the sacrament of confession
Also known as the Sacrament of Penance and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, is one of the least understood, and least utilized, sacraments in the Catholic Church. In reconciling us to God, it is a great source of grace, and Catholics are encouraged to take advantage of it often, even if they are not aware of having committed a mortal sin.
Also known as the Sacrament of Penance and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, is one of the least understood, and least utilized, sacraments in the Catholic Church. In reconciling us to God, it is a great source of grace, and Catholics are encouraged to take advantage of it often, even if they are not aware of having committed a mortal sin.
Through Penance we receive God’s forgiveness. Forgiveness requires being sorry for our sins and the firm resolution to sin no more. In Penance we receive Jesus’ healing grace through absolution by the priest. The signs of this sacrament are our confession of sins and the words of absolution.
In addition to the weekly scheduled time for confessions at the Parish (see mass and confession times), if you need an extended time for confession due to the nature of it, please call the Parish Office in order to set an appointment with the Pastor, subjected the availability of both parties.
Parish Office
Mrs. Gloria Villamil
Office Secretary
Tel. (519) 832.2202
Tuesday to Friday, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
In addition to the weekly scheduled time for confessions at the Parish (see mass and confession times), if you need an extended time for confession due to the nature of it, please call the Parish Office in order to set an appointment with the Pastor, subjected the availability of both parties.
Parish Office
Mrs. Gloria Villamil
Office Secretary
Tel. (519) 832.2202
Tuesday to Friday, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM