"Anyone who has truly experienced God's saving love does not need much time or lengthy training to go out and proclaim that love. " Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis.
SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION You will support families to grow in their journey of faith. Training provided. Commitment will depend on the number of volunteers. Baptism Are you interested in helping our pastor prepare young families for the baptism of their babies and teaching them about the sacrament of Baptism? Volunteers will meet with parents to help them to familiarize everyone with the Rite of Baptism and the responses used during the ceremony.
First Communion and Reconciliation – Catholic School - To prepare children in grade 2, and their parents, for these sacraments, you will become familiar with the program of Religious Education taught in the school so that, as a volunteer, you may successfully continue with liturgical formation for these sacraments.
Confirmation – Grades 7 and 8 students prepare for this sacrament using the manual, “Confirmed in the Spirit”. If you would like to be a catechist for these young people or organize their retreat or community service, now is your opportunity.
The whole Christian community initiates.
1) Catechists: This is a special ministry for those who give instruction in faith, who help educate and who prepare the candidate for the Rite of Acceptance, the Rite of Election and then the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist.
2) Sponsors: As representatives of the community, they accompany the candidate and give him or her support through the period of pre-catechumenate and catechumenate until the Rite of Election when the candidate will choose godparents.
Our Youth Group provides teens in our parish the opportunity to gather and celebrate with each other in the Holy Spirit. Our activities are geared around spiritual growth, social interactions and community service. We are looking for spirited leaders to help plan meetings by organizing games, music, snacks and discussions.
Are you looking for a way to encourage the spiritual growth of children?
Vacation Bible School runs in the summers. It is a morning, week-long program that engages children through games, investigation, Bible adventures, storytelling, song and dance.
If you enjoy planning, organizing or working hands on with children's activities, this could be a fit for you. Station Leaders, Crew Leaders and Youth Helpers are needed. Training is provided and police screening is necessary.